The blower system at the RM Clayton Water Reclamation Center in Atlanta, Georgia is an integral component of the biological treatment process, essential to the aeration system. When an existing blower failed it was urgent that full capacity be restored to keep the ecosystem in balance. The City selected WWPS to respond under an […]
The City of Atlanta operates sixteen pump stations, six combined sewer overflow treatment facilities, and four wastewater reclamation centers: RM Clayton WRC (122 mgd), South River WRC (54 mgd), Intrenchment Creek WRC (15 mgd), Utoy Creek WRC (44 mgd). The City also operates the Chattahoochee and Hemphill Water Treatment Plants, which provide 100% of the […]
The General Wastewater Pump Station Improvements project included upgrades and repairs to fourteen pump stations throughout Metro Atlanta as well as software upgrades at three wastewater reclamation facilities. In addition to the major instrumentation upgrades, six of the pump stations included new wet well facilities and pump stations (up to a depth of 40 feet). […]
WWPS upgraded and integrated a complex instrumentation and control system at RM Clayton WRC, one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in the southeastern United States. The RM Clayton plant continuously receives and treats wastewater averaging 122 million gallons per day (mgd), with peak capacity of 240 mgd. The project included intricate instrumentation and controls […]
Modifications and upgrades at Gwinnett County’s Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility will improve plant safety, efficiency, and reliability. Advances in treatment technology have rendered several processes and structures at the facility outdated, requiring upgrades to comply with state and federal regulations. This massive $132 million renovation project being constructed by Alberici will allow the facility […]
The City of Wichita’s ability to obtain adequate drinking water was threatened because their main source of water, the Equus Beds aquifer, became depleted. Under a design-build contract, an Alberici joint venture delivered a plant that draws water from the Little Arkansas River to replenish the aquifer. This project included a river water intake, an advanced water […]
WWPS managed improvements to the 54 mgd South River WRC. Improvements included filter feed pump foundation repairs, effluent pump station control system upgrades, belt conveyor installation, construction of a macerator pump system and liquid separator, and major mechanical repairs throughout the plant. The project also included demolition of screw conveyors and compactors that serve the […]
Weracoba Creek, which runs through the heart of the historic district in Columbus, Georgia, was considered an impaired stream due to water quality issues. Columbus Water Works and WWETCO applied for and received an EPA grant to implement an experimental technology involving a network solution to the problem – a unique flow control structure allowing […]
WWPS completed improvements at both the Chattahoochee and the Hemphill Water Treatment Plants, which together provide 100% of Atlanta’s drinking water. The project improved plant administrative facilities and infrastructure, including new sand filters and laboratories, roof replacement, underground valve replacements, demolition and replacement of dehumidification equipment, electrical equipment replacement, new positive displacement blowers and backflow […]
Under a design-build contract, WWPS converted the 40 mgd South Cobb Water Reclamation Facility’s wastewater sludge dewatering process from belt presses to centrifuges. This project included the addition of a mezzanine to accommodate three refurbished centrifuges, a multi-directional screw conveyor, a polymer feed system, and a truck drive through with roll-up doors. The team also […]