RM Clayton Turbo Blower System
City of Atlanta
BGR Joint Venture
122 MGD

The blower system at the RM Clayton Water Reclamation Center in Atlanta, Georgia is an integral component of the biological treatment process, essential to the aeration system. When an existing blower failed it was urgent that full capacity be restored to keep the ecosystem in balance.
The City selected WWPS to respond under an emergency capital project to remove and replace the existing system. The high-speed turbo blower technology installed included four dual core high speed 700 HP turbo blower systems with 48” stainless steel header piping, new 4160-volt 2000 KVA transformers, and new 3000 AMP 480-volt switchboards. WWPS integrated this new technology into the existing SCADA system.
The RM Clayton plant treats an average of 122 million gallons of wastewater per day before discharging into the Chattahoochee River. This project restored the aeration capacity and allowed the Owner the maintain regulatory compliance.
BGR Joint Venture included Black & Veatch, Gresham, Smith & Partners and Rohadfox