Kienlen Is Back To Work After The Flood Interrupted Work On Their MSD Project

Kienlen Constructor’s is currently completing a Design Build project for MSD and this is the first time MSD has utilized the design build delivery method for one of their projects.

The project consist of a series of necessary upgrades at 3 MSD Stations along the Mississippi River.  The stations are connected to the storm sewer system and are designed to protect the city from flooding when the Mississippi River is at Flood Stage.  Kienlen is replacing existing carbon steel roller gates with stainless steel roller gates at 2 of the stations as well as updating and re-furbishing additional gates and actuators.

MSD has required that the stations remain functional while the work is taking place.  This required Kienlen to design and utilize a diversion structure at each gate location to isolate the gate location from the river while the work is taking place.


Kienlen initially started actively working at the pump stations in late February, but was forced to stop when the Mississippi river started rising and ultimately exceeded flood stage level.  The historic flooding that occurred from March to July forced Kienlen to shutdown activities until the water receded and the work could be performed safely.  Work at the pump stations resumed on August 5th and has gone well in the past month.  Kienlen is close to having one of the new gates completely installed.

One key element of Kienlen’s construction plan was creating a new access hole in the roof of the pump station structures.  This has allowed Kienlen to use the access hole for lowering tools and materials into the structure as well as placing a stair tower through the access hole so personnel could access the work area.  When finished the access hole will be covered with a removable steel plate so the that MSD can utilize the new access hole for future upgrades.